Friday, January 18, 2008

Back to the Animals

IMG_7038, originally uploaded by thrivestyle.

UGH...i need to get over this. Leave for Vegas in a couple of days. This poor leopard was pacing its cage at the Denver Zoo. Again, I love the benefit of being able to see animals that I might possibly be able to see in their natural habitat but it is heartbreaking nonetheless.

1 comment:

Tuppence said...

hi there, he/she is indeed beautiful, i like you agree, its so sad to see them in cages. we have a few safari parks here in the uk (as well as the odd zoo that i wont visit)not sure if you have them over there ? but the animals are freerer (?sp) and appear much more content. youre obviously a very kind person who feels very sad for these animals. is denver z00 a good z00 overall ? i've been to colorado and into denver just the once, but it was only a short visit into the city centre and cherry creek shopping mall, i did enjoy my time there a lot